Energy Management System in Serbia


  • On December 13, 2024, the exam for energy managers in the field of building energy management was conducted. Seven candidates took the exam, and five of them passed. By holding this exam, the implementation of Component 1, Result 1.6, continues: At least 80 energy managers trained in building energy management, as part of the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia.”

    The current progress of this task, based on the number of candidates who have passed the energy manager exam for building energy efficiency or energy efficiency in the public sector since September 2023, stands at 73.8%.

  • During the week of December 4–9, 2024, a training program for energy managers in the public sector was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The training was attended by 15 participants and conducted in accordance with the Rulebook on Training and Exams for Energy Advisors (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,” No. 51/22). This training represents the continuation of the implementation of Component 1, Result 1.6: At least 80 energy managers trained in building energy management, as part of the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia.”

    The current progress of this task is 62.5%.

  • On November 29, 2024, professional exams for energy managers in the public sector were held. Two candidates took the exam, and both passed.

    By conducting this exam, the implementation of Component 1, Result 1.6 continues: At least 80 energy managers trained in building energy management, as part of the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia.”

    The current progress of this task, based on the number of candidates who have passed the energy manager exam for building energy efficiency or public sector energy efficiency since September 2023, is 67.5%.

  • From November 12 to 15, 2024, as part of the implementation of the UNDP Project: “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia,” the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as the Responsible Partner in the Project, organized a four-day study trip to the Republic of Croatia. The trip included travel from Belgrade to Zagreb, from Zagreb to Rijeka, back to Zagreb, and a return to Belgrade.

    The purpose of the study trip was to exchange experiences and knowledge in the fields of energy management, advanced use of energy management information systems, energy review of buildings, implementation of national projects and programs for improving energy efficiency, and the use of renewable energy sources in the public and private sectors.

    On the first day of the study trip, November 12, 2024, the participants visited the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, located at Ivana Lučića 5, Zagreb. At the time, comprehensive construction and energy renovation works were underway on the East, North, and South buildings of the faculty, covering a total area of approximately 38,000 m². The visit included a presentation of this project delivered by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Zdenko Tonković, and the Vice Dean for Business and Organization, Dr. Marko Katić. The presentation was followed by a tour of the building, where ongoing works included construction activities and the installation of a new heating and cooling system. This system uses a water-to-water heat pump that utilizes underground water as a renewable energy source.

    On the second day, November 13, 2024, a series of presentations and discussions were held at the Institute for Energy and Environmental Protection - Ekonerg d.o.o., located at Koranska 5, Zagreb. The event began with a presentation by Elvis Cukon, General Director; Maja Jerman Vranić, Director of the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Department; Vladimir Jelavić, Director of the Atmospheric Protection and Climate Change Department; Krešimir Brckan, Director of the Maintenance Management Systems Department; and Goran Vuleta, Director of the Energy Department. They introduced the work and operations of the Ekonerg Group and its role in Croatia’s energy transition. This was followed by a presentation by Iva Fakin from the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU), who highlighted the possibilities of advanced use of the Energy Management Information System (ISGE), demonstrating how ISGE is utilized to finance and monitor the success of energy efficiency projects. Damir Vuletić, also from FZOEU, presented opportunities for energy renovation of public sector buildings through the ESCO model, a contracting mechanism for energy services, and explained its implementation in Croatia. Additionally, Predrag Čuljak, Head of the Energy Efficiency Projects Technical Verification Department at FZOEU, presented the work of the Fund and its connection with ISGE data through the Monitor EE project – Smart Management Systems for Improved Energy Efficiency.

    The day concluded with an open discussion aimed at exchanging experiences and best practices.

    On the third day, November 14, 2024, the delegation visited the City of Rijeka, a successful example of the implementation and operation of an energy management system. The Mayor’s Energy Advisor and Energy Manager of the City of Rijeka, Tajana Jukić Neznanović, presented two key projects: Construction of Integrated Solar Power Plants on Public Buildings, and iUrban – Systematic Energy Management in Public Buildings. An open discussion followed, allowing for the exchange of experiences and exploring opportunities for collaboration.

    After visiting the City Administration, Port of City Rijeka, Korzo 16, the delegation toured the “Benčić Complex”, an exemplary project of renovation and repurposing a former factory complex into the Benčić Cultural District. This facility, aimed at showcasing Rijeka as the European Capital of Culture, was restored and transformed into the cultural quarter “Kristijan Benić.” A marketing and projects associate presented the projects of the Rijeka City Library and the Children’s House.

    On the fourth day, November 15, 2024, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction, and State Assets (MPGI), located at Republike Austrije st. 14, Zagreb. The meeting was attended by Irena Križ Šelendić, Director of the Directorate for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, EU Projects and Programs; Diana Horvat, Head of the Sector; and representatives Olja Milošević, Maja Buterin Kranjec, and Marijana Butković Golub, Head of the Department. Representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Media (MKM) included Kristina Zloušić Iđaković and Mirna Sabljak, Heads of Sector. A series of presentations, followed by discussions and experience sharing, showcased the results and challenges of highly successful energy renovation projects for public buildings implemented using EU funds. These projects were particularly significant as they were conducted after two earthquakes struck the Republic of Croatia in 2022.

    Maja Buterin Kranjec from MPGI provided a detailed overview of the project “Energy Renovation and Post-Earthquake Reconstruction of Public Buildings Damaged by the Earthquake”. Meanwhile, Mirna Sabljak from MKM presented the project “Program for the Energy Renovation of Buildings with Cultural Heritage Status for the Period up to 2030”.

    The Serbian delegation on this study trip included employees from the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, specifically from the Sector for Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, Biljana Miljković Puljević and Milan Popović, the project coordinator. Also participating were representatives from the Directorate for Joint Affairs of Republic Bodies of the Republic of Serbia, Deana Vlasak, and from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, including Prof. Dr. Miloš Banjac, Executive Project Manager; Dr. Nedžad Rudonja, Associate Professor and Assistant Executive Project Manager; and team members Marija Vasilev, Anđela Simović, Branislav Petrović, and Sandra Kovačević.

  • From November 4–7, 2024, and November 13–16, 2024, as part of the Responsible Business Hub Serbia Project (GA 81292885), implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, located at Resavska 13-15, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade conducted a seven-day training on energy efficiency in industry. The training also included laboratory exercises in the Energy Management and Energy Advisory Training Laboratory, which operates within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

    From November 25–28, 2024, as part of the Responsible Business Hub Serbia Project (GA 81292885), implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, a three-day training on energy review of industrial facilities was conducted. On November 29, 2024, the training included a visit to the company Abbott Enterijeri, where an energy review was performed as part of the training program.

    The completed training sessions and lectures constitute a significant portion of the energy advisor training that will begin in early 2025. These trainings are part of the “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia” project and will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The program also includes topics such as the role of energy advisors in the Energy Management System.

  • From May 29 to 31, 2024, in Belgrade, at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, the Serbian Thermal Society and the Society for Process Engineering, with the co-organization of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, organized the IEEP ‘24 and Procesing ‘24 events, simultaneously with shared portions of the program.

    The IEEP ‘24 International Conference was held from May 29 to 31, 2024, at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade, under the patronage of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (Program IEEP 2024).

    On the first day of the conference, May 29, 2024, a panel discussion was held on the topic: The Role of Energy Advisors in Energy Management Systems in the Republic of Serbia.

    The panel moderator was Marija Stevanović, editor of the Scientific-Educational Program at RTV RTS, and the panelists included:

    • Antonela Solujić, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, Energy and Mining Association
    • Prof. Dr. Miloš Banjac, Head of the Center for Training Energy Managers and Energy Advisors, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    • Prof. Dr. Mirjana Stamenić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    In her presentation, Antonela Solujić discussed the legal foundations of the Energy Management System in Serbia. Prof. Banjac introduced the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia”, and presented the work on preparing the training program for energy advisors and the Energy Advisors’ Training Manual, as well as their future role in the Energy Management System in the Republic of Serbia. Prof. Stamenić shared experiences from conducting energy reviews.

  • During the week of May 13-18, 2024, a training program for energy managers in the field of building energy was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade. The training was attended by 26 participants and was conducted in accordance with the Rulebook on training and examination for energy advisors (" Official Gazette of RS", number 51/22). With this training, the realization of the implementation of Component 1, Result 1.6: At least 80 energy managers trained in building energy management, was started, as part of the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia.”

    This six-day training consists of a theoretical and practical part of the training. The practical part of the training includes training in the use of specialized software on the computer, ISEM and SEMIS, laboratory exercises for determining the tightness of the room - Blower Door test, exercises for determining the temperature of the wall and the heat flow through the wall using a thermal imaging camera, as well as exercises for getting to know the measurement and regulation equipment. and the method of regulating the operation of the thermal substation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

  • On May 6, 2024, the Energy Management Information Center began its operations.

    Through the work of the Support Service for the Use of ISEM, the Energy Management Information Center aims to provide energy managers, building managers, and other interested parties with direct communication, instructions, and advice on how to use ISEM (

    The Energy Management Information Center is located in the building of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, 53 Makenzijeva Street.

  • On April 1, 2024, the trial operation of the Support Service for the Use of the Energy Management Information System (ISEM) began. The Service, composed of six first-year master’s degree students in mechanical engineering trained to work with ISEM, is managed by Anđela Simović, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.

    This Service was established to assist energy managers, building managers, and other interested parties in using ISEM through direct communication, providing advice, and offering guidance.

    The Support Service for the Use of ISEM operates from the offices of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, located at 53 Makenzijeva Street.

  • During the week of March 4–9, 2024, a training program for energy managers in the public sector was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The training was attended by 15 participants and conducted in accordance with the Rulebook on Training and Exams for Energy Advisors (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,” No. 51/22). This training represents the continuation of the implementation of Component 1, Result 1.6: At least 80 energy managers trained in building energy management, as part of the project “Improvement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia.”

  • During February and March 2024, a series of training sessions for the second group of students on the use of the Energy Management Information System (ISEM) was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Through this training, students were equipped to independently use ISEM, create objects within the system, and input energy and water consumption bills.

    The four-week training was conducted by Biljana Đordan, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, and Anđela Simović, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. It was attended by six first-year master’s degree students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

    This series of training sessions was also conducted as part of the project “Enhancement of the Energy Management System to Increase Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Serbia”, specifically under Component 1, Outcome 1, Result 1.4: Establishment of a support service for the ISEM system (Help Desk) with a service manager and trained students providing support to building managers and other key stakeholders in using the ISEM system.

    With the completion of this training, all necessary conditions for the formation of the support service for the ISEM system were fulfilled.

  • November 17, 2023 – The training of the first group of students in theto use the Energy Management Information System (EMIS) was held at thethe University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade, on November 17, 2023. This training was held within the project “Enhancing the Energy Management System to Scale up Energy Efficiency Investments in Public Buildings in Serbia”.

    Through this initiative, students will acquire the skills to independently navigate and utilize EMIS. They will learn to create objects within the system and input data on energy resources and water consumption. Upon completion of the training, these students will provide support to energy managers through the Information Center for Energy Management.

  • June 19, 2023 – With the signing of the Agreement on cooperation on the implementation of the project “Enhancing the Energy Management System to Scale up Energy Efficiency Investments in Public Buildings in Serbia” between the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on June 19, 2023, all the prerequisites for starting the implementation of this project have been met.